mercredi 15 juin 2022

The dictionary of lost words


Résumé : 
In this remarkable debut based on actual events, as a team of male scholars compiles the first Oxford English Dictionary, one of their daughters decides to collect the "objectionable" words they omit.

Esme is born into a world of words. Motherless and irrepressibly curious, she spends her childhood in the "Scriptorium," a garden shed in Oxford where her father and a team of dedicated lexicographers are collecting words for the very first Oxford English Dictionary. Young Esme's place is beneath the sorting table, unseen and unheard. One day a slip of paper containing the word "bondmaid" flutters to the floor. She rescues the slip, and when she learns that the word means slave-girl, she withholds it from the OED and begins to collect words that show women in a more positive light.

As she grows up, Esme realizes that words and meanings relating to women's and common folks' experiences often go unrecorded. And so she begins in earnest to search out words for her own dictionary: The Dictionary of Lost Words. To do so she must leave the sheltered world of the university and venture out to meet the people whose words will fill those pages.

Set during the height of the women's suffrage movement with the Great War looming, The Dictionary of Lost Words reveals a lost narrative, hidden between the lines of a history written by men. Based on actual events and combed from author Pip Williams's experience delving into the archives of the Oxford English Dictionary, this highly original novel is a delightful, lyrical, and deeply thought-provoking celebration of words and the power of language to shape the world.

Mon avis : 

The dictionary of the lost words est un roman bien différent de ce que j’avais imaginé. Je m’attendais a plus de mots oubliés ou perdus. Or tous ces mots sont devenus plutôt commun et courant dans l’anglais d’aujourd’hui.

Le roman se divise en six parties et j’ai trouvé les deux premières extrêmement longues. Je n’aime pas trop quand le personnage principal ou narrateur est un enfant et j’ai dû me faire violence pour ne pas abandonner la lecture mais la suite est bien meilleure.

Le livre est plutôt un prétexte pour montrer le combat des femmes dans un monde d’homme. J’ai beaucoup aimé le passage qui montre les suffragettes et leurs actions, réprimandés par une violence inouïe.

J’ai trouvé la fin un peu triste : tant de vies gâchées. La première guerre mondiale a fait tant de mort et de causer tant de traumatismes tandis qu’Esme et Megan ne se rencontrent pas. J’aurais aimé une fin un peu plus optimiste.

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